Don't forget to drink WATER!

The leaves are all changing colors and falling off the trees. Pumpkin everything is out and available. The mornings are getting crisper, and evenings are getting cooler. It's Fall. Our bodies seem to be less thirsty this time of year. Or are they? Sometimes it's hard this time of year to want to drink as much water as your body still needs, despite the change in the whether.
During the Summer it's easy to keep up with our water intake, because our body gets thirsty. Not so in the fall and winter. This contributes to weight gain you may have experienced in these months also. When we are hydrated, our appetites are much more controlled. However, when we aren’t drinking enough fluids, we don’t have the energy required to break down fat; thus, we often mistake thirst for hunger, leading us to eat more than needed. Water is required for most of our bodily functions including regulating body temperatures, flushing toxins, and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Read more:
So...DRINK MORE WATER!! Your body will thank you for it!